DTP Institute

As girls and women are learning to have agency over our own bodies, a central site is essential where knowledge and experience are available at all our stages of development. We are identifying and developing culturally sensitive dance-based body-trust™ and self-advocacy programs to make them available on a global scale. The DTP Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit charity.
Find out more about our mission and work here:


The Institute was incorporated in the Fall of 2023, and our United States IRS status as a 501(c)3 charitable institution was approved at the end of June, 2024. Our first project has been establishing the curriculum for training pre/postnatal dance-movement instructors that our Global Trainers will be offering starting Fall 2024.
Both research and evidence-based practices show that dance produces body-trust, support, and community through social bonding, mental acuity, and well-being, as well as improved health outcomes and self-advocacy throughout the life-span. As the importance of the arts in mental and physical health continues to be recognized, the impact of dance grows in value. 
Girls, women, and people AFAB deserve better sex education, fun activities, cultural grounding, and psycho-social support. As girls and women – whether or not we choose or are able to have children – our reproductive life cycle strongly determines the rhythm and quality of our lives. Accurate knowledge of our anatomy and its physics and physiology, hormonal drifts, assets and liabilities is just beginning to be understood. Thus, we undertake this project: the DTP Institute.