
Board of Directors 

The founding Board of Directors includes: 
President Amy Kennedy Valente; Dancer, Modern Dance and Yoga instructor, Yale University.
Secretary Nicole Palffy-Muhoray, PhD; Associate Director of Student Programs at the Yale Peabody Museum, and studio ballet dancer.
Treasurer Robert Boudreau, CPA; Partner, Novak Francella LLC.
Members-at-Large Gwendolyn Towers, MD; Chief Resident in Ob/Gyn at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, and studio ballet dancer;
and Ann Cowlin, MA; Yale University movement specialist, researcher in pre/postnatal dance health, author, and founder (1979)/director of Dancing Thru Pregnancy® (DTP). 


The Institute advisors include certified nurse midwives, obstetricians, maternal health specialists, educators, a project manager, DTP instructors and other dance for health practitioners working with adolescents and midlife/senior women, PR and fundraising experts, psychologists, and other experts in fields related to the 5 areas of focus.  The Board and Advisors contribute to delineating goals-based tasks, as well as helping develop timelines for projects.

Global Trainers

The pre/postnatal program is already global. In November 2023 a core group of Global Trainers who prepare international instructors was designated and are actively opening centers in their global regions with Institute assistance. Locations and contacts will be uploaded in the near future.

Partners Network

Organizations interested in partnering or networking with the DTP Institute are asked to email one or both of these Board members: or